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[Groove3] Delays Explained [2013, ENG] 
28.03.2014, 20:09

[Groove3] Delays Explained [2013, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Groove3
Сайт производителя: www.groove3.com/str/Delay-Explained.html
Автор: Kenny Gioia
Продолжительность: 01:40:00
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  287 MB

Эффект Задержки является одним из старейших эффектов, использовавшихся на записях, и существует много различных типов и способов его применения. В этом курсе Kenny Gioia покажет, как задержка может использоваться, чтобы сделать треки больше, шире и круче! Узнайте важные основы и современные методы задержки, и вы обнаружите, что используете задержку умнее и более творчески.

The Delay effect is one of the oldest effects to be used on recordings, and there are many different types and ways to apply it. Multi-Platinum mixer / producer extraordinaire Kenny Gioia returns with a "must have" series for anyone recording, mixing, engineering or producing music. See how delay can be used to make tracks bigger, wider and just cooler! Learn the important fundamentals and advanced techniques of delay, and you'll find yourself using delay smarter and more creatively.
Kenny starts off with a tutorial on the history of Delay, so you know exactly what it is and where it originated from. Next, he gets into "Automatic Double Tracking" (ADT), then "Chorus Delay", "Flange Delay" and "Rhythmic Delay" to create delay lines that take on a life of their own. Kenny then studies the famous "Slapback Delay" sound and shows you how to dial it in just right.
Moving on, Kenny reveals ways to setup and automate "Musically Timed Delay", as well as make "Dynamic Delays" that fill only empty spaces! "Filtered and Distorted Delays" are next on the list, and Kenny demonstrates awesome ways to sculpt your delayed sound, as well as pan them interestingly. Wrapping up the series, Kenny goes over a boatload of "3rd Party Delay Plug-ins", discussing their strengths, and then finishes the series with a tutorial on "Putting It All Together" on a track.
If you record, mix, engineer or produce music, Delay is definitely a "go to first" effect. Hang out with Kenny as he shows you the ins and outs of Delay and how to apply it to your tracks. Your music will be worth repeating!


01. Introduction - A Brief History of Delay 09m:27s
02. Automatic Double Tracking (ADT Delay) 10m:17s
03. Chorus Delay 10m:42s
04. Flange Delay 07m:06s
05. Rhythmic Delays 08m:26s
06. Slapback Echo 06m:07s
07. Musically Timed Delay 08m:32s
08. Dynamic Delays 09m:44s
09. Filtered & Distorted Delays 12m:27s
10. Third Party Delay Plug-Ins 10m:56s
11. Putting it all Together

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 1748 | Загрузок: 357 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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