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[Groove3] Making Trap with Reason [2013, ENG] 
28.03.2014, 20:24

[Groove3] Making Trap with Reason [2013, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Groove3
Сайт производителя: www.groove3.com/str/Making-Trap-with-Reason.html
Автор: Al Swettenham
Продолжительность: 02:35:07
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  441 MB

Суперпользователь Reason 7 Al Swettenham возвращается с еще одной серией уроков, и на этот раз все о Trap! Присоединяйтесь к Al Swettenham и он покажет вам, как испольуя Reason 7, от начала и до конца, создать убийственный Trap трек, содержащий все элементы этого очень популярного и успешного жанра музыки.

Reason 7 super user Al Swettenham is back with another series and this time it's all about Trap! Join Al as he shows you how to use Reason 7 to create a killer Trap track containing all the elements of this hugely popular and successful genre of music, from the ground up.
After a quick introduction and running down all his Reason settings and preferences, Al gets to work on the all important Trap drum beat. Al builds up his kit in Kong, programming his drum track in distinctively complex rhythms that are the hallmark of Trap music. Moving on to the sub bass, Al shows how to use Reason's Subtractor synth to create a simple but devastating Trap baseline.
Once the beats and bass are created, Al focuses on introducing musical elements to the composition, and quickly builds strong melodic parts in the Trap fashion. Next up are vocal elements that are heavily processed short vocal clips, enhanced via time stretching, pitch shifting and ultimately resampling all in an NN-XT.
Now it's time for the drop! Al builds some filthy lead synths from scratch using techniques such as FM synthesis, oscillator syncing, pitch modulation and filter sweeps. After putting together the final arrangement, Al creates a few FX sounds like noise sweeps and pan risers to close out the track and the series.
If you use Reason for your productions and want to learn how to make a killer, authentic Trap song, then this is a must see... Watch "Making Trap with Reason" today.


01. Introduction 08m:40s
02. Making Trap Beats Pt. 1 18m:59s
03. Making Trap Beats Pt. 2 19m:20s
04. Sub Bass in Trap 10m:27s
05. Composition in Trap Pt. 1 14m:18s
06. Composition in Trap Pt. 2 10m:50s
07. Processing and Resampling Vocals Pt. 1 16m:52s
08. Processing and Resampling Vocals Pt. 2 10m:50s
09. The Drop Pt. 1 11m:22s
10. The Drop Pt. 2 14m:49s
11. The Arrangement and FX 19m:05s

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 5542 | Загрузок: 660 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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