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BolderSounds - Bluegrass Banjo v3 (KONTAKT) - сэмплы банджо kontakt 
03.09.2016, 01:11

BolderSounds - Bluegrass Banjo v3 (KONTAKT)

Издатель: BolderSounds
Сайт: boldersounds.net/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&cPath=3_18&products_id=131&zenid=8rsmnsbcpo6i8c6uuvtm7kk8n4
Требуется KONTAKT 4.2.4
Размер: 1.57 GB

В этой библиотеке вы найдете 5 банджо, которые имеют классический теплый тон, а также инструмент который легко прорезается в любом миксе и достаточно гибкий в различных музыкальных жанрах. Мы добавили новые артикуляции и сделали библиотеку еще более эффективной.
Новые семплы включают 4 новые щипковые позиции вдоль длины струны на банджо, а также семплы механизма Scruggs-Keith.

Features of the Bluegrass Banjo V3 Sample Library

•Up to 5 x independent round-robin per key, for each of the 5 strings of the banjo. Each string was sampled chromatically up to the 17th fret. The first string was sampled beyond the 17th fret.
•All the strings are sampled on 5 different pluck positions of the banjo.
•The Pluck Positions can either be selected via Key Switches or via a very advanced Pluck Position velocity selection system. You can freely adjust at what velocity level the different positions will be selected and make any kind of position combinations. All the settings can be saved as Presets.
•The Bluegrass Banjo V3 also includes 379 Midi files to help you build realistic banjo arpeggios and chords.
•Banjo resonance via an Impulse Response made from the banjo head.
•Various articulations: Hammer-On and Pull-Off, Half step and Whole step Slide, Harmonic and Scruggs D-Tuner bends. All with 2 x independent round-robin per key.
•A very advanced and intelligent scripted Pitch Bend and Vibrato control.
•Detailed KSP scripted control of Fretting Position on the neck of the banjo, including an Auto Fret Selection feature.
•A Key Switch Page where you can freely assign which key will trigger the various Key Switches and save the settings as Presets.
•8 different effects - each with its own Preset menus, so you can save and recall all the various parameters.

The full uncompressed size of this library is 3.15 GB. It has been Kontakt compressed (.ncw) down to 1.52 GB for convenience of downloading and rapid loading into Kontakt.

What's new in Bluegrass Banjo V3

•1. New samples recorded for five different pluck positions along the string
length of the banjo as well as Scruggs-Keith tuner mechanism samples.
The size of the new recorded samples are approximately 1.65 GB, so the
total size of the library is now 3.15 GB (1.52 GB Kontakt ncw File).
•2. The new Scruggs articulations can toggle between eight different bends
and you can adjust the speed.
•3. The new Pluck Positions can either be selected via Key Switches or via a
very advanced Pluck Position velocity selection system. You can freely
adjust at what velocity level the different positions will be selected and
make any kind of position combinations. All the settings can be saved as
•4. The scripted Auto Fret Selection can now be turned On/Off.
•5. A new intelligent Pitch Bend control is added to the already advanced
Pitch Bend system.
•6. A new improved P.B. Vibrato and Vibrato system, where you among other
can select between 7 different scripted waveforms.
•7. You can freely adjust how velocity controls the volume and the filter
•8. Resonance can be added to the banjo via an Impuls Response made from
the banjo.
•9. The Attack and Sample Start of the “Hammer On” and “Pull Off”
articulations, can now be adjusted and saved as Presets.
•10. All the various Key Switches can now be freely assigned and saved as
•11. The Bluegrass Banjo V3 also includes 379 Midi files to help you build
realistic banjo arpeggios and chords.

Категория: Библиотеки для сэмплеров | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы банджо kontakt
Просмотров: 5547 | Загрузок: 1343 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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