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Sonokinetic - H.I.P.P Upgrade Version 1.2 (KONTAKT) - сэмплы перкуссии kontakt 
21.12.2014, 12:52

Sonokinetic - H.I.P.P Upgrade Version 1.2 (KONTAKT)

Производитель: Sonokinetic
Формат: KONTAKT | Качество: 16 bit Частота 44.1 kHz Каналы stereo
Размер:  4.47 GB

Перкуссионная библиотека под NI Kontakt.

Core samples: 2 instrument patches containing the following playing styles:
BRG – Basic Rhythm groupings
PRF – Performances
Layer based approach to easily create your own percussive textures. Give each layers its own pan and volume.
Quantise functionality to lock your phrase changes to tempo or automatically end your performance with a hit.
Advanced sequence functionality to build your own percussive sequences and play them back with a single key.
Automatic tempo syncing to your project.
Advanced database system to catalogue and browse the vast collection of phrases easily and simply.
Convolution reverb applied to the multi instrument to represent the original acoustic space.
Sonokinetic IR space? design knob to allow dynamic assignment and configuration of the convolution effects.
Dynamic sample loading & purging for efficient memory usage. Efficient management of samples means that you can juggle about 6gb of samples with ease.
FX at your fingertips. Configure EQ and Compression, or create your own Delay setups – save to presets so that you can reuse favourites in future projects.
13000+ samples. (about 6 GB sample content)
Impulse response with configurable parameters: 16 bit NCW format.
Royalty and copyright free content license.
HIPP Reference manual (pdf).
Artwork : “HIPP” dvd cover. Designed by Pavel FuksaProgramming : “HIPP” Kontakt script by Blake Robinson
Format: All files in 44.1 kHz , 16 Bit NCW format. (looped)
Programmed for Kontakt 4.2.

Категория: Библиотеки для сэмплеров | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы перкуссии kontakt
Просмотров: 3373 | Загрузок: 378 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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☑ Внимание! В комментариях строго запрещены: спам, флуд, CapsLock, нецензурная лексика, оскорбления, угрозы, разжигание межнациональной вражды, политические демагогии.

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