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Studiolinkedvst – Modern Billboard (KONTAKT) 
11.05.2013, 11:31

Studiolinkedvst – Modern Billboard (KONTAKT)

Издатель: Studiolinkedvst

Сайт: studiolinkedvst.net/kontakt-libraries/modern-billboard-r-b-kontakt-5.html

Формат: WAV, NKI

Качество: 16 -24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Размер: 7.37 GB


Коллекция сэмплов для стиля R&B .

Following the success of the Platinum Hit Workstation is our newest release "Modern Billboard". Modern Billboard is the R&B inspired library in studiolinkedvst's modern sounds series. This one is sure to spark your creative juices.• Modern Billboard R&B (Kontakt 5 Edition)

Consist of 7GB of Content

70 Instruments (Guitars,Rhodes,Sexy Leads, Strings,….more)

Formats-Kontakt 5 Library

Compatible-Mac & PCThe Modern Billboard library is a wish come true for R&B and hip-hop producers. Modern Billboard comes with an impressive stock library of instruments. Finally a plugin has successfully delievered that sexy sounds that is common in Usher,Trey Songz, Pads like drake, and chord progressions like Rhianna,Chris Brown and other major artist.

Категория: Библиотеки для сэмплеров | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы hip hop kontakt
Просмотров: 4293 | Загрузок: 882 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1

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