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Big Fish Audio - Fear POD Vol. 2 - атмосферные звуки 
13.09.2013, 21:43

Big Fish Audio - Fear POD Vol. 2

Разработчик: Big Fish Audio
Формат: WAV
Качество: 16 bits, stereo, 44100 kHz
Размер: 590 MB  

Fear POD Vol. 2 - сборник атмосферных сэмплов в формате WAV, созданный для использования в первую очередь в стиле эмбиент.

These sounds are not for the faint of heart. More events, loops and atmospheres with horrifying dark undertones from the crazed mind of producer Boony G. At one moment you will find yourself in a semi-comforting drone of ambience that soothingly takes you away in an extra-terrestrial abduction, but at the next your being plucked from your pod and being flushed back into the "matrix". This is sound design at its best, but with a very dark feel of weirdness perfect for scoring, adding strange FX and tightening up electronic music madness. "These sounds are not just bizarre but truly disturbing- 'in an 'aliens feeding on my spinal fluid' sort of way,'" - Keyboard

Категория: Сэмплы | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Big Fish Audio, атмосферные звуки, Fear POD Vol. 2
Просмотров: 3652 | Загрузок: 684 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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