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Samplephonics - Post Rock Guitars (WAV) - сэмплы гитары - сэмплы rock 
24.11.2014, 19:38

Samplephonics - Post Rock Guitars (WAV)

Издатель: Samplephonics
Сайт: samplephonics.com
Формат: WAV
Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Размер:  835 MB

Коллекция семплов ambient аккордов гитары. 

Post-rock guitars draws together the finest collection of ambient chord progressions, bowed FX
passages, emotive Rhodes accompaniments and soaring tremolo guitar leads.
Produced by Samplephonics' favourite, Mountain Range, this uniquely beautiful sample library has
the power to lift any production, irrelevant of style or direction.
Having smashed his previous ambient electronica pack we just had to invite him back to create
another instant classic.. and what a job he did!
Recorded through a stunning vintage recording chain with the upmost of precision, the finest
details of post-rock are on show, paying homage to the dynamic bands of the last 15 years. Expect
to hear dense ambiences, delayed & processed leads, delicately washed out chord movements,
expansive FX driven leads and anything else you could possibly need to add an element of emotion
and texture to your next composition.
Produced across a range of keys and tempos, this pack beautifully accommodates all styles of
electronica, rock, music for film and any other composition requiring the graceful touch of huge
atmospheric guitars.


180 WAV семплов.

Категория: Сэмплы | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы Rock, сэмплы гитары
Просмотров: 4322 | Загрузок: 896 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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☑ Внимание! В комментариях строго запрещены: спам, флуд, CapsLock, нецензурная лексика, оскорбления, угрозы, разжигание межнациональной вражды, политические демагогии.

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