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Bionic delay 1.2 - дилэй 
24.04.2013, 11:35

Очень качественный стерео-дилей, с раздельной регулировкой времени повторов на левый и правый каналы, фильтром ВЧ и НЧ, "Drift", "Ping Pong", "Smooth", "Stereo Width". Это усовершенствованная версия Analogic Delay, позволяет отдельно управлять дилеем для каждого канала.


* tape model including tape saturation, wow, flutter, low and high pass filtering
* separate control of delay time for left and right channe
* The delay time is not entered in milliseconds but as a notelength (in relation to the song tempo in your sequencer). The Groove parameter allows fine tuning from tripplet to dotted note timing.
* "Drift" parameter gives you the possibility to create delays wandering to the left or to right in the stereo field
* press the "Ping Pong" button to create delays alternating between left and right speaker.
* parameter "Smooth" creates continuous delay time changes like on a real tape delay (no digital clicks when changing delay time during the song)
* parameter "Stereo Width" varies stereo effect from subtle to drastic
* all parameters are controllable by midi controllers.
* pop-up hints help to understand the function of each control on the user interface. These appear when the mouse rests over a control.
* Also the assignement of midi controllers is documented in the pop-up hints

Категория: Сведение и мастеринг | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Delay, Bionic, дилэй
Просмотров: 10396 | Загрузок: 1868 | Рейтинг: 4.2/5

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