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East West Quantum Leap - Stormdrum (KOMPAKT) - перкуссионный синтезатор 
26.10.2016, 13:57

East West Quantum Leap - Stormdrum (KOMPAKT)

Издатель: East West Quantum Leap
Сайт: http://www.soundsonline.com
Дата релиза: 2003
Качество: 24 bit 88.2 kHz stereo
Размер: 3.56 GB

Замечательный перкуссионный VSTi от ведущих разработчиков, за многие годы не утративший своей актуальности, который приятно удивит вас качеством и количеством полезного звучания.

Описание EN: STORMDRUM all started when “award-winning” QUANTUM LEAP producer NICK PHOENIX decided to go down to the Record Plant in Los Angeles to record some big film grooves for movie trailers he was working on. He hired some the best percussionists in the world (Tal Bergman, Richie Garcia, Michito Sanchez), and filled up Studio A with hundreds of drums. The Record Plant said they had never seen anything like it. After a complex setup, they were ready to roll. Everything was recorded through Neuman mics into an SSL Console to 2 inch analog tape and later transfered to 24 bit, 88.2 digital. Now, after years of recording, editing, and programming, STORMDRUM has arrived!

Категория: Ударные инструменты | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: перкуссионный синтезатор
Просмотров: 5270 | Загрузок: 1055 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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