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[MacProVideo] Analog Mixing Consoles Layout, Signal Flow and IO [2012, ENG] 
03.06.2014, 22:29

[MacProVideo] Analog Mixing Consoles Layout, Signal Flow and IO [2012, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2012
Производитель: MacProVideo
Сайт производителя: www.macprovideo.com/tutorial/analog-mixing-consoles-layout-signal-flow-io
Автор: Paul Bissell
Продолжительность: 01:51:10
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер: 651 MB

Этот курс имеет ответы на все вопросы о прохождении сигнала! С помощью подробных объяснений, анимации, графики и отличных фотографий, профессор Пол Бисселл проведет Вас под поверхностью и вглубь Потоков аудиосигнала. Здесь вы узнаете все о I/O, посылах, возвратах, EQ, фазе, DI, микрофонном предусилителе, микшерных схемах консоли, patch bays, внешних процессорах и многом другом.

This high level audio course is essential knowledge for anyone who wants to learn how analog consoles and their state of the art studios are "wired up." It gives you the deepest possible understanding of mixing console Signal Flow and I/O in both the analog and digital domains...
In the DAW world of pull-down menus and point & click selections we often don't realize how all of these actions are actually modifying the audio signal path. Maybe it's because we're not pushing real buttons and adjusting real knobs. Or maybe it's simply because we no longer make physical connections using patch cords and patch bays. Yet, understanding analog connections is key audio knowledge to have since all DAWs are based on these important analog concepts. It turns out that, if you really want to learn audio recording, plugins and mixing, you've got to understand the incredible signal path that audio tracks take on their convoluted journey to the console's output and, eventually, to your final mix.
This course has all the signal flow answers! With its detailed explanations, animations, graphics and excellent photographs, professor Paul Bissell takes you under the surface and deep into audio signal flow. Here you'll learn everything about I/O, sends, returns, EQ, phase, DI, mic preamps, mixing console circuitry, patch bays, outboard processors and more.
So if you really want to "get" audio, this advanced master class on analog signal flow will get you what you need to know. After finishing this course you'll sit in front of any analog console or DAW with a new confidence, assured that your audio recording skills are now at a whole new level!

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: macProVideo, Analog Mixing Consoles Layout, видеоуроки на английском, Signal Flow and IO
Просмотров: 2137 | Загрузок: 295 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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