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Hobby Horse Productions - Drums on Demand Vol.04 Country & Crossover 24 Bit (WAV) - сэмплы ударных 
28.03.2014, 16:34

Hobby Horse Productions - Drums on Demand Vol.04 Country & Crossover 24 Bit (WAV)

Разработчик: Hobby Horse Productions
Сайт: _www.drumsondemand.com/volume4.html
Формат: WAV.
stereo, 24 bits, 44 kHz
Размер:  644 MB  

Библиотека барабанных сэмплов и лупов.

Country & Crossover features a versatile combination of contempory and traditional country as well as crossover pop/rock drumming in 30 Songs Sets™ — featuring more than 660 loops and segments. Like all of our products, Country & Crossover is organized using our patent-pending Song Set™ system, with each Song Set featuring as many as 34 verse, chorus, fill, bridge, break, intro, ending and other loops. Simply find the Master Loop™ that fits your song and use the other country drum loops and segments in the Song Set to quickly build a drum track that feels and sounds like a live drummer playing a real song. The result is the fastest, most flexible way to create a lifelike, high-quality drum performance and mix for your project. Drums on Demand™ delivers the simplicity of drag-and-drop stereo loops, combined with the realism of a session drummer performing in a state-of-the-art studio with a veteran engineer at the console.

•Versatile crossover drumming for Country, Pop and Rock projects
•Power Ballads, Rim Ballads, Brush Ballads
•Straight Mid- and Up-Tempos
•Paddle Balls, Shuffles & More
•60-180 BPM Song Sets
•Straight 4/4 and Some Odd-Time
•Contempory beats & fills
•Patent-Pending organization system
•Many 2-4 bar loops for increased realism
•High end, quality mix
•Includes 40 megs of generic single hits

Категория: Сэмплы | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Drums on Demand, Hobby Horse Productions, Country & Crossover, сэмплы ударных
Просмотров: 1910 | Загрузок: 381 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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