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Hobby Horse Productions - Drums on Demand Vol.10 Solid Rock .24 Bit.2CD (WAV) - сэмплы ударных 
10.05.2014, 13:46

Hobby Horse Productions - Drums on Demand Vol.10 Solid Rock .24 Bit.2CD (WAV)

Разработчик: Hobby Horse Productions
Сайт: _www.drumsondemand.com
Формат: WAV.
stereo, 24 bits, 44 kHz
Размер:  1.31 GB

Turbocharge your tracks with our latest release -- Solid Rock! DOD's 10th volume, this essential addition to your library offers 23 deep Song Sets® of no-nonsense, no-excuses, rock drumming — 1200 loops, segments and single hits in all.
From smouldering slow grooves to full-throttle up-tempos, Solid Rock provides a colorful palette of contemporary and classic grooves with matching loops that are infinitely adaptable to your song or project. Simply find the master loop that fits your song and then choose from as many as 63 other loops in each Song Set® to complete your project with uparallelled realism. (The possibilities are endless because each Song Set includes an average of 44 verse, fill, intro, chorus, verse, bridge, pre-chorus, alt, ending and other loops). This powerful collection is ideal for rock, alternative, rowdy pop and even rougher country. A consistent sound across the entire volume makes mixing and matching between Song Sets® easier than ever. Plus, there any longer loops for increased realism. Scroll down for complete previews.

Категория: Сэмплы | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Solid Rock, сэмплы ударных, Drums on Demand, Hobby Horse Productions
Просмотров: 1688 | Загрузок: 314 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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