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Audiosyn - Bbd Echo 80 1.1.5 VST x86 - эхо-эффект, дилэй 
24.10.2013, 20:12

Audiosyn - Bbd Echo 80 1.1.5 VST x86 [14.07.2009]

Дата Выпуска: 14.07.2009 
Версия: v1.1.5 
Разработчик: Audiosyn 
Сайт разработчика: www.audiosyn.com/home/vstplugins 
Разрядность: 32bit 
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Размер: 9 MB  

Неплохой эхо-эффект

BBD Echo-80 faithfully emulates the workings of BBD (Bucket-Brigade Device) analogue delay-line FX. These include (but not limited to); Echo, Delay, Chorus, flange, Resonator, and reverb-type effects.


- 11 BBD "fixed-Stage" lengths (64->65536) with manual 50%- 200% offset. Delay time can be set from a fraction of a millisecond up to +13 seconds @ 48khz.
- Delay-line clock from 1000hz up to host audio rate (i.e. 44khz, 48khz, 96khz). Unlike hardware analogue delays, no compromise needs to be made between fidelity & delay-time. BBD Echo-80 can be as clean or dirty as you want it.
- Delay time modulation with 5 waveforms types (Sine, Tri, Ramp, Saw & Sample & Hold). LFO now syncable to host MIDI clock.
- Audio re-triggering of the LFO modulator (for all waveforms), with variable phase selection of the waveform cycle. A 2-pole BPF is also provided to isolate audio frequency used for triggering.
- 4 or 8-Pole low pass filter (post delay) with selectable resonant & non-resonant response. Resonant response allows self-oscillating feedback.
- 2-Pole high pass filter for less "muddy" sounding delay's (Pre-delay).
- "Loop" function, which infinitely loops whatever is in the delay buffer.
- Volume (Pre-gain) & Dry/wet mix controls.
- Analogue-style VU meter with pre & post db monitoring switch.
- LCD numeric display which displays current delay time (in ms.) or clock/sample rate (in Hz.).
- Hiss knob, which introduces white noise for a "more authentic" analogue FX sound.
- In-built help file. Just flick the "help" switch on, and moving the mouse cursor over any control displays information on it's function and use.
- Save up to 64 preset patches per bank. 11 built-in patches included.
- High & low resolution plug-ins for different screen resolutions. High resolution VST is optimized for 1280x1024 & higher.
- Low CPU usage.

Категория: Сведение и мастеринг | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Bbd Echo, дилэй, Audiosyn
Просмотров: 4164 | Загрузок: 686 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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