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[Groove3] Softube Amps and FX Explained [2013, ENG] 
11.04.2014, 13:22

[Groove3] Softube Amps and FX Explained [2013, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Groove3
Сайт производителя: www.groove3.com/str/Softube-Amps-and-Effects-Explained.html
Автор: Doug Zangar
Продолжительность: 01:40:00
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  277 MB

В этом курсе Doug Zangar вывернет наизнанку пакет плагинов Softube's Vintage Amp Room and Effects, и расскажет о гитарных усилителях, моделировании комнаты и о плагинах эффектов. После детального исследования эффектов, Doug покажет вам, как получить несколько различных классических гитарных звучаний с помощью усилителей и эффектов.

DAW and guitar master Doug Zangar is back with a new series on Softube's Vintage Amp Room and Effects bundles. Have a seat and get ready to learn these guitar amp room modelling and effects plug-ins inside out.
After an introduction to both the Amp Room and effects, Doug begins with an in-depth look at at the Amp Rooms. Starting with The Vintage Amp Room, Doug Explores all the features and functions of White, Brown and Green amps.
Next up is the Metal Amp Room, and Doug demonstrates both cabinets, the distortion tone and mic blending. Moving on, Doug tackles the final amp room, the Bass Amp Room. Here Doug explains the how the DI settings work and how to blend them, and gives a detailed tour of the four cabinets.
Doug now goes over the 3 effects, the Acoustic Feedback, Tube Delay and Spring Reverb and each of their parameters and functions. After the detailed examination of the effects, Doug shows you how to get some different classic genre guitar sounds using both the amps and effects. Doug wraps the series up with one last video containing a few extra tips & tricks.
If you're new to Softube's Vintage Amp Room and Effects or just want to further your knowledge on the plug-ins, this is the series for you. Give your guitar the sound it deserves... Watch "Softube Amps & FX Explained" today.

01. Intro to Amp Rooms 07m:47s
02. Intro to Effects 03m:30s
03. The Vintage Amp Room White Amp 08m:10s
04. The Vintage Amp Room Brown Amp 07m:39s
05. The Vintage Amp Room Green Amp 08m:50s
06. Metal Amp Room 09m:33s
07. Bass Amp Room 09m:44s
08. Acoustic Feedback 06m:18s
09. Tube Delay 06m:19s
10. Spring Reverb 04m:04s
11. Southern Rock 07m:47s
12. Metal Rock 06m:08s
13. Surf Rock 08m:09s
14. Tips & Tricks

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 3260 | Загрузок: 373 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1

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