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[Groove3] SoundToys Effects Explained [2013, ENG] 
11.04.2014, 13:24

[Groove3] SoundToys Effects Explained [2013, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Groove3
Сайт производителя: www.groove3.com/str/SoundToys-Effects-Explained.html
Автор: Scottie Dugan
Продолжительность: 01:30:32
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  278 MB

Scottie Dugan возвращается с новой серией уроков по плагинам с аналоговым звучанием. Это профессиональные плагины эффектов от SoundToys! Смотрите, как Скотти исследует Decapitator, Devil Loc, Little Microshift, Radiator, Panman, Tremolator, FilterFreak, PhaseMistress, Crystallizer и Echoboy. Они все здесь и Скотти дает необходимые знания, чтобы получить максимальную отдачу от этих удивительных плагинов, а также многое другое.

Groove 3's Scottie Dugan is back with a new series of tutorials tackling the analog sounding professional effect plug-ins from SoundToys! Watch as Scottie explores the Decapitator, Devil Loc, Little Microshift, Radiator, Panman, Tremolator, FilterFreak, PhaseMistress, Crystallizer and Echoboy. They're all here and Scottie gives you the knowledge you need to get the most out of these amazing plug-ins and more.
Scottie kicks the series off with the analog saturation modeler Decapitator. From the subtle ways to use Decapitator, to dialing in a punishing effect, Scottie covers it all. Next up is the audio level destroyer Devil-Loc. Inspired by the classic Shure Level-Loc, This plug-in can burn, scorch and destroy whatever you send it, but of course it also can be used for good. Scottie demonstrates this very simple yet powerful and tasty device, its parameters and how to put it to use.
Next, it's on to the Little MicroShift. This device is so simple to use, but its buttery goodness will always satisfy. Scottie discusses the three modes and demonstrates them all. Scottie then moves on to the classic sounding Radiator. With the ability to sound subtle or aggressive, this tube amp emulation device is truly a powerful tool. Another staple in the arsenal against boring sounding music is the Tremolo and Auto-Gate plug-in Tremolator, which Scottie covers from top to bottom.
The resonant analog filter FilterFreak is next up and it's definitely a freaky filter! Scottie shows how this plug-in filters in very creative ways, including using an envelope and a LFO to control the filters. Scottie's dirty little secret PhaseMistress is then revealed, as well as its amazing phaser effects and applications.
Scottie wraps up the in-depth series with the Crystallizer & Echoboy plug-ins. Scottie first gives you a detailed look at the the Crystallizer and shows that even though this device may be simple on the surface, it goes very deep. Finally, Scottie explores the EchoBoy, whose possibilities are endless. Scottie shows you how you can sculpt your sound and emulate any type of hardware delay, or create something brand new. There's a lot of options with this plug-in and in this video Scottie goes over them all.
If you use SoundToys effects plug-ins and really want to get the most out of them, this is the series for you... Watch "SoundToys Effects Explained" today.

01. Decapitator 11m:38s
02. Boutique 09m:27s
03. PanMan 13m:23s
04. Tremolator 07m:28s
05. FilterFreak 14m:23s
06. PhaseMistress 09m:19s
07. Crystallizer 11m:14s
08. EchoBoy 09m:19s

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 19890 | Загрузок: 6135 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 2.2/4

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