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[Maschine Tutorials] Maschine 2 Quickstart [2013, ENG] - видеоуроки на английском 
26.01.2015, 16:17

[Maschine Tutorials] Maschine 2 Quickstart [2013, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2013
Производитель: Maschine Tutorials
Сайт производителя: www.maschinetutorials.com/maschine-2-quickstart
Автор: Maschine Tutorials
Продолжительность: ????
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  937 MB 

Для того чтобы помочь вам получить хорошее представление о Maschine 2, мы создали этот короткий плейлист, чтобы помочь вам понять некоторые из основных понятий Maschine 2.
Эта страница не содержит всех уроков, которые мы создали о Maschine 2, однако, она содержит подборку учебных пособий об основных областях Maschine 2. Мы хотели обеспечить полный обзор программного обеспечения Maschine 2, а также контроллера Maschine Studio.


General Maschine 2 setup & configuration:
Understanding and configuring your user preferences
Understanding and configuring your audio & MIDI preferences

Understanding the Maschine 2 software interface:
Maschine 2 software general overview
Understanding the Maschine 2 browser
Understanding the Maschine 2 software mixer
Understanding the Maschine 2 header & arranger section
Understanding the Maschine 2 channel & macro section
Understanding the Maschine 2 group, pattern, & automation control section

Maschine 2 file & library management:
Importing MIDI files and patterns
How to import user kits, samples, and libraries
How to import third-party expansions that use an alias
How to import sound or module presets you made for third-party plugins
Importing third-party MASSIVE presets
Importing third-party and user presets for Absynth into Maschine 2
Importing third-party and user presets for FM8 in Maschine 2
Importing third-party and user presets for Kontakt in Maschine 2
How to import and tag third party Kontakt libraries quickly
Saving your own custom kits in Maschine 2
Saving your Maschine 2 projects and sequences
Exporting full mixes, individual sounds, and groups as audio files
Understanding the Maschine 2 sampler and sample editing:
Overview of slicing, editing, layering, and sample mapping
Understanding the sample record menu
Understanding the sample edit menu
Understanding the sample slice menu
Understanding the sample map and zone menu

Hardware controllers basics with Maschine 2:
Browing sounds, effects, instruments, and samples on Maschine Studio
Setting specific pads to be full or fixed velocity on the Maschine Studio
Browsing sounds, effects, instruments, and samples on Maschine MK2
Browsing sounds, effects, instruments, and samples on Maschine Mikro
Accessing mixer view from the Maschine Mikro
Accessing mixer view from the Maschine MK2
How to adjust project tempo from the Maschine Studio

Sequencing, arranging, and editing in Maschine 2:
Understanding the Maschine 2 metronome and count-in settings
Understanding the Maschine 2 song mode and arranger operation
Understanding the step, pattern, and performance grid settings in Maschine 2
How to adjust the scene loop range from the Maschine Studio
How to adjust the scene loop range from the Maschine Mikro
How to adjust the scene loop range from the Maschine MK2
Using the edit mode to edit your sequences in Maschine 2
Using the edit button on Maschine Studio to select individual notes and note ranges
How to quickly delete sequences and sequence data from Maschine Studio

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Maschine Tutorials, видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 1861 | Загрузок: 288 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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