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Sonokinetic - Ney 1.1 (KONTAKT) [часть 1] - сэмплы флейты kontakt 
21.12.2014, 12:57

Sonokinetic - Ney 1.1 (KONTAKT) [часть 1]

Издатель: Sonokinetic
Сайт: www.sonokinetic.net/products/ethnic/ney/
Качество: 24 Bit 48 kHz stereo
Kontakt 5.1.0 +
Размер:  2.98 GB

Ney - это народный деревянный духовой музыкальный инструмент семейства флейты

One of the oldest instruments in existence, the Ney has been played for about 5000 years. Its distinguished sound reminiscent of deserts and oasis, this instrument can add an ethnic flavor to your compositions that is unmatched in its deep soulfulness and truthful timbre. The Ney’s breathy tone will transport you to ancient times and faraway places and capture your audience with an enchanting quality.


Core samples: Ney flute
1 instrument for Kontakt 4.2.4 and Kontakt 5.1.0
Temposynced Phrases featuring Intelligent Time Machine (ITM)
Phrasing available pitched to key
13600+ samples. (7+ GB sample content)
Authentic Legato samples and scripting
Traditional Songs & Improvisation phrases
Auto Breath sounds between phrases
xfade modwheel dynamics for legato patches
Switchable velocity mix control for staccato and non-looped ‘natural’ sustains patch
Modwheel phrase start control
GUI harmonic key display
Full tempo sync control.
Kontakt 5 optimized “Time machine Pro” programming
Transparent tempo stretch overview via switchable GUI element

Категория: Библиотеки для сэмплеров | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы флейты kontakt
Просмотров: 5330 | Загрузок: 943 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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☑ Внимание! В комментариях строго запрещены: спам, флуд, CapsLock, нецензурная лексика, оскорбления, угрозы, разжигание межнациональной вражды, политические демагогии.

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