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Big Fish Audio - Club Bangers Hip Hop Pack (AIFF, WAV ,REX, RMX) - сэмплы hip hop 
12.09.2013, 19:46

Big Fish Audio - Club Bangers Hip Hop Pack (AIFF, WAV ,REX, RMX)
Разработчик: bigfishaudio.com
Формат: AIFF, WAV ,REX, Stylus RMX
качество: СТЕРЕО, 24бит, 44khz
Размер: 977 MB   
Эта библиотека содержит 1 Gb контента. Сэмплы разделены на форматы: WAV (405 MB of 24-bit ), REX, Apple Loop, and RMX
Сборник содержит восемь строительных комплектов в стиле клубного Хип Хопа.
This download contains 1 Gb of content in WAV, REX, Apple Loop, and RMX formats (405 MB of 24-bit WAV files). The contents of this download include 8 construction kits. In total, 151 WAV loops and sounds are included. Each kit contains a main mix, plus each element broken out into its own loop. Also included in each kit is a folder of drum hits and "Drum Trax." "Drum Trax" give you access to the individual parts of the drum mix. Now you have full access to remix, recreate or mix and match different parts of the drums. Take a the snare loop from one kit and match it with the kick and hats from another kit.

Категория: Сэмплы | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Big Fish Audio, Club Bangers Hip Hop Pack, сэмплы Hip Hop
Просмотров: 2783 | Загрузок: 609 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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