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G-Sonique XBass 4000 Analog Bass Saturation 1.0 - сатуратор 
23.02.2013, 21:55

Качественный эффект-плагин для насыщения и расширения басовой партии.

XBass4000 is a plug-in for "maximal kick-up of the bass frequencies". The virtual circuits of the XBass4000 combine two different algorithms emphasizing the bass spectrum of the track:
A psychoacoustic algorithm Bass Enhancer that emphasize the intensity of hearable bass content.
An analog style saturation unit that enriches bass spectrum of a requested "fat" and "warm" sounds known from tube circuits. It also adds higher harmonic frequencies that expands and enlightens the hearable spectrum as well as sub-bass spectrum.

XBass4000 is suitable for synthetic and acoustic bass and enriches all kick-drums with great energy.

Feature highlights:

A special distorted bass bell filter for selection of the bass spectrum that should be maximally emphasized. It's possible to select a wide spectrum of bass frequencies - from the deepest sub-basses, 15hz, to medium-bass frequencies. It's also possible to set a Slope-Q range of the selected frequencies.
A psychoacoustic circuit called "Bass Enhancer" that emphasize the intensity of the bass spectrum. It uses the technique of the psychoacoustic algorithms.
A saturation unit in analog tube style with the possibility to adjust the amount of bass saturation and the volume of hearable bass saturation.
Control of the output volume.
Graphical dB meter showing the level of output volume.

Категория: Сведение и мастеринг | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: G-Sonique, сатуратор, XBass 4000, Analog Bass Saturation
Просмотров: 8643 | Загрузок: 1831 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2

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