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[MacProVideo] SongCraft Producing Hired Gun and DJ Boo [2012, ENG] 
07.07.2014, 19:45

[MacProVideo] SongCraft Producing Hired Gun and DJ Boo [2012, ENG]

Год выпуска: 2012
Производитель: MacProVideo
Сайт производителя: www.macprovideo.com/tutorial/dubway-sessions-songcraft-producing-hired-gun-and-dj-boo
Автор: SongCraft
Продолжительность: 01:13:31
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Размер:  688 MB

Композитор, исполнитель Hip Hop, студия и только один день, чтобы создать песню! Возможно ли это? Мы об этом узнаем. Композитор Ben Arthur в этот раз сотрудничает с нью-йоркским хир-хопером DJ Boo. Вместе они напишут песню, а затем поедут в студийный комплекс на Dubway в Нижнем Манхэттене, чтобы ее записать и смикшировать, и все это за один день. Поприсутствуйте на этой сессии и посмотрите, как команда авторов, продюсеров и инженеров работают вместе, чтобы создать музыку.

A songwriter, a Hip Hop artist, a DJ, a studio and only one day to produce song! Possible? We’ll find out! The production team at Dubway Studios are back producing Hired Gun and DJ Boo in another, high-pressure, real-world SongCraft Docutorial™.
Ben Arthur, our intrepid songwriter and musical adventurer is back and in this episode he's straddling his acoustic comfort zone by collaborating with New York-based Hip Hop poet Hired Gun and expert Scratch artist DJ Boo.
Together they compose a song and then quickly hip-hop their way onto the downtown subway to the lower Manhattan studio complex at Dubway. Here the production & engineering team of Mike Cehore and Al Houghton shift into high gear as they muster their consummate skills and experience to nurse this nascent Hip Hop tune to life in the urban musical universe... all in a single day!
In this day-in-the-life Docutorial™ you'll learn how to get that gritty, urban influenced sound: You'll see the mics, the recording setups, iZotope plugins, the sampling tools and the turntable techniques they use to bring this song to life!
So sit in on this marathon session and see how a team of songwriters, producers and engineers work together to get the music out and the job done!


01 Welcome to Songcraft (01:25)
02 Meet The Artists (03:11)
03 Writing the Chorus (03:32)
04 Selecting the Rap Vocal Mic (04:42)
05 Tracking Ben’s Chorus (04:51)
06 Tracking Mikal’s Chorus (03:03)
07 Tracking Mikal’s Ad Lib Vocals (02:05)
08 The DJ Setup (03:34)
09 Creating an Audio Sample (04:01)
10 Working with Live Drums (03:38)
11 Tracking the Electric Guitar (02:43)
12 Mixing the Rap Vocal (03:56)
13 Mixing the Ad Lib Vocals (04:55)
14 Mixing Mikal’s Chorus (02:28)
15 Mixing Ben’s Chorus - Part 1 (04:24)
16 Mixing Ben’s Chorus - Part 2 (04:07)
17 Working with Reason REwire (03:24)
18 Audio Samples in the Mix (04:31)
19 The Master Bus (04:55)
20 The Final Listen (03:58)

Категория: Видеоуроки на английском | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: macProVideo, видеоуроки на английском
Просмотров: 1602 | Загрузок: 237 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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