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Soniccouture - Hang Drum (KONTAKT) - сэмплы перкуссии kontakt 
17.01.2015, 03:00

Soniccouture - Hang Drum (KONTAKT)

Размер:  2.48 GB  

Виртуальный инструмент на основе сэмплов недавно изобретенного в Швейцарии перкуссионного инструмента Hang Drum. Примеры звучания можно послушать на http://anonym.to/?http://www.soniccouture.com/pages/hang.php

Soniccouture's quest for the exotic, the unique, the esoteric, and the downright weird and quirky, brings us to our latest obsession, the Hang Drum.

You may not have heard of the Hang - it's a relatively new instrument and it's extremely hard to get hold of one. First invented in the year 2000 by PANArt, they are hand-built in Switzerland by two very dedicated people, Felix and Sabina. If you want one, you must ask them if they will build you one. If they agree, then you may have to wait up to 2 years.
The Hang Drum is played with the hands. Everyone who gets to play one falls in love with it a little bit. It's incredibly sensitive and dynamic - it rings pure and true. It sounds like magic. The entire disc resonates at a central frequency as your hands move around the edge teasing the notes out.
You can see many videos of people playing Hangs on YOUTUBE. YouTube: _rXcdcDB2S8 SaveFrom.net

2.4 GB Library
Includes both Mk.1 + Mk. 2 Hang Drum Models
Over 1000 24 bit Stereo 44.1 Samples per Drum
Hang Jammer - KSP Random Pattern Generator
Multiple Articulations
Up to 21 Velocity Layers

Категория: Библиотеки для сэмплеров | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: сэмплы перкуссии kontakt
Просмотров: 6102 | Загрузок: 1260 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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03.09.2019 в 14:54 / Материал
Hang Drum оооооч трудно сочитать с другими инструментами или впрямь звук амно 

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