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Zero-G - Seismic Frequencies (WAV) - звуковые эффекты 
27.10.2014, 16:34

Zero-G - Seismic Frequencies (WAV)

Издатель: Zero-G
Формат: WAV
Качество: 16bit.44100Hz
Размер:  685 MB

Изумительные текстуры, ласкающие переливы, гармоничные соединения мягких звуков с заряжающими ритмическими рисунками.

Dangerously beautiful landscapes of organic tones, moody washes and powerfully expressive sound energies fused with a multitude of adventurous experiments in audio alchemy makes SeismicFrequencies strong and intoxicating enough to cause an earthquake of sonic influence on all styles of music.
Seismic Frequencies features a vast array of unique and original samples under the following category headings:
Ambient, Ambient FX, Ambient Loops, Ambient Pads, Ambient Shots, Ancient Drones, Archaic, Atmospheres, Beats, Bells, Creatures, Drones, Drums, Explosive, Flyers, FX, Game FX, Hi Metals, Lunar Drones, Machine Loops, Metal Washes, Motoric Drones, Moves, Noisy, Propeller Drones, Rhythm Drones, Rhythm FX Loops, Sci-Fi, Steel Pads, Stingers, Sweep FX, Synth Washes

"...This is a solidly constructed, useful, and inspiring journey into sound design... Variety..is delivered by the truckload... Just the right amounts of spaced-out, occasionally threatening, sometimes beautiful, and often downright weird audio that shows as much skill in sound design as it does in creative recording, mixing and processing techniques... The middle third of the disc contains exactly the kind of material that would be perfect for multimedia applications and sound designers for video games... Seismic Frequencies pushes the sonic envelope further and succeeds in proving that pure creativity and consumer accessibility need not be mutually exclusive... Will make even the dullest of programmers wish they were working on post-production for The Matrix 2..."

"...The sounds would certainly be well suited to videogames, television, film and multimedia shows. Most are harsh and cold, which would make them ideal for sci-fi films or science documentaries..."

Категория: Звуковые эффекты | Добавил: Elaim | Теги: Zero-G, звуковые эффекты
Просмотров: 2070 | Загрузок: 411 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2

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